Blog: Tyler Bate (8.10.16)

Earlier this week, Trent Seven and myself were enjoying a freshly brewed cup of tea upon the mountain, and it was brought to our attention that on 21st August in Philadelphia, CHIKARA will be hosting themselves an event and Moustache Mountain just so happen to be free of duties on this very day. We also know that on this very day, that the disputed Campeonatos de Parejas will be determined in a bout between Los Ice Creams, N_R_G, and The Devastation Corporation. The purpose of this massive match is no doubt to quell any further dispute over who should have those title belts around their waists, or over their shoulders. So we began contemplating...

What if Moustache Mountain were to show up in Philadelphia with our 3 golden coins? Our stake in this fight is every bit as valid as that of Blaster McMassive and Flex Rumblecrunch. Furthermore, on 23rd July, we defeated the last team to legitimately hold those titles - Race Jaxon and Hype Rockwell. The Devastation Corporation can't make such a claim. CHIKARA, Trent and myself have made it clear that we don't want to wait around any longer, and any longer we will not wait. On 21st August in Philadelphia, prepare to find Moustache Mountain at your gate. We'll see to it that any and all disputes over who the rightful champions are settled in the middle of the ring....and you might even see us walk away with the titles. *Moustache twiddle*.